What is Callback?

What is Callback?

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Let's get to know about, What is Callback?

Callback function: A callback in programming refers to a function that is passed as an argument to another function with the intention of being executed later, often after the completion of an asynchronous operation or a particular task. Callbacks are a fundamental concept in JavaScript and other programming languages, providing a way to manage asynchronous operations and control the flow of the program.

// Function representing reading a file
function readFile(callback) {
    console.log("Reading a file...");

    // Simulating reading a file (asynchronous operation)
    setTimeout(function () {
        console.log("File reading complete!");

        // Invoking the callback to log a success message
    }, 2000); // Simulating a 2-second delay for file reading

// Callback function to log a success message
function logSuccess() {
    console.log("File reading was successful. Ready for the next step!");

// Read the file and pass the success callback

In this example:

  • readFile simulates reading a file with an asynchronous delay.

  • After completing the file reading, it invokes the callback (logSuccess).

  • logSuccess logs a message indicating that the file reading was successful and that the code is ready for the next step.

This represents a common pattern in asynchronous operations where a callback is used to handle the result or completion of a task, such as reading a file.


Callbacks in programming provide a mechanism for coordinating tasks, especially in asynchronous operations. In the presented example, the first function, representing reading a file, signals completion by invoking the second function as a callback. This simple yet essential pattern facilitates the orderly execution of tasks in a non-blocking manner, enhancing the efficiency of code execution.